This is
List of projects I have worked on. Click on a project to find out more.
Streamlining academic representation
Using serverless to quickly automate feedback processes and improve student experience.
Extracting data from regulatory documents using Python
Scraping data from PDF regulatory documents, handling inconsistencies in formatting and edge cases.
Workflow and Reporting Automation
Building an intelligent solution for an NY-based photography studio
Project Aileron
Designing, deploying, and maintaining an incteractive learning platform.
Credit Suisse OSA
Web platform for streamlining client management in the International Wealth Management division of Credit Suisse
Data Reporting and Decision Support Systems
Using SQL and PowerBI to process, analyse and visualise data
Developing Web Applications for Business
Collection of university work related to creating websites and applications for businesses.
Developing a Recruitment Management System
Recruitment system enriched with natural language processing developed for a Hackathon challenge.
Brand Identity Development for an Academic Society
Conceptualising a visual identity for an academic society I established at Manchester Metropolitan University.