Developing Web Applications and Services for Business



Creating web services and>>>>>>>
applications based on business>>
requirements outlined in>>>>>>>>
provided case studies.>>>>>>>>>>


University Assignment [ UG ]

My undergraduate programme at Manchester Metropolitan University covered various aspects of creating software applications according to business needs.

Business Applications

This unit entailed the creation of a business application for SKU and inventory management. Data was stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database, and the API and front-end were developed in C#, using the .NET framework. Automated features were implemented using database triggers.


The user is provided with feedback should their input not match process or database constraints.

Customer facing websites

Another assessment involved the design and implementation of a public-facing website for a fictional charity named Pureheart.


I value transparency, trust, and honesty when showcasing my work. As part of this, and in the interest of both legal and ethical compliance, certain disclosures are made below.

O1Academic assignment (nature of work)

This project was completed as part of an academic assessment and not for a commercial purpose. This case study is partly fictional or augmented. Some copyrighted resources may have been used under a fair use copyright exemption (for ‘non-commercial research or private study’). Where a resource has been used in such manner, unless the resource has an open use license (or a commercial use license has subsequently been obtained), it will be redacted. Parts of the work may have been withheld for reasons related to academic integrity.